Battery cooling module of the thermal management system


Introduction to Battery Cooling Module of Thermal Management System

The product is the thermal management system is battery cooling module(710*480*320mm). It is mainly designed to cool the battery systems of BEVS. It is an independent unit with an electric scroll compressor, a brushless condenser fan, a micro-channel parallel flow condenser. an electric brushless water pump and a plate heat exchanger. It is light and compact and has a heat exchange capacity of 4kw to 10kw. It can cool

the batteries of 8m to 12m battery electric buses and 1.8t to 4t battery electric logistic vehicles to ensure them the most appropriate temperature. The system has a direct current and a voltage of 470v to 750v(12/24vdc for the control unit and the water pump).it has adcantages including compact structure,small power cinsumption,great cooling capacity,high comtrol automation,etc.
